Thursday, December 29, 2011

Metabolic Typing - Interview

!±8± Metabolic Typing - Interview

I feel very fortunate to introduce and interview Sally Taylor, diet therapist and metabolic typing advisor as we delve deeper into the concept of an individual approach to food.

As a diet therapist how important is metabolic typing (mt)?

MT is essential to my practice. I use it as a starting point with all clients. I call myself a Diet Therapist as opposed to a Nutritionist because it reflects the tremendous importance I put on getting the diet right. Unless clients are willing to modify their diet there's no point in their consulting me. Anything else they do will simply be nibbling at the edges of the problem. I'm not prepared to take on clients who really just want a list of supplements to buy or foods to avoid. That is an allopathic nutrition approach - it treats symptoms without correcting the underlying problems. Diet Therapy is a holistic approach that ensures the body is given all it requires to build health and vitality from the inside out. Many people, doctors included, still don't understand that it is literally true that we are what we eat. Food is the raw material we consume to constantly build, repair and replace every cell in our body. It is a waste of money to spend a fortune on nutritional supplements or gym membership if one continues to eat nutrient deficient and damaged processed, convenience foods!

Is there such a thing as a healthy diet?

Yes, absolutely, but not a standard one that can be prescribed across the board - the panacea everyone is looking for doesn't exist. The exact recipe is different for everyone, depending on their MT. The balance of macro and micronutrients required by our bodies to operate at optimal efficiency depends on our genetic inheritance and individual stressors. There are clear basic principles that apply to everyone though: eat organic, whole foods (as close to nature and as unprocessed as possible - ie fresh, raw or lightly cooked), drink plenty of water, avoid toxins such as alcohol, cigarettes, caffeine, drugs; and ensure you get adequate daily doses of sunlight, fresh air, exercise, and around 8-hours of quality sleep a night.

What makes MT different from Atkins, Zone, GI, low fat diets?

These diets work for some people, some of the time, and they address some of the issues contributing to weight gain or poor health in some people. The difference between those popular diets and MT is that MT is not "a diet" in the sense that we generally use the word. It is not something one does for a few weeks to lose a few pounds, and then returns to old eating habits. It requires a commitment to a complete lifestyle change.

Metabolic Typing is a clinical methodology for identifying the right basic diet for clients, and fine-tuning it to suit their specific biochemistry. Implemented properly, one cannot "fail" on the Metabolic Typing Diet, because it is actually an educational process that teaches clients to listen to their body's signals and adjust ratios of carbohydrates, proteins and fats to suit their unique metabolism. An individual's precise nutritional requirements are dependent on their particular interaction of genetics and environment.

In recent years controlled carbohydrate diets such as Atkins, Zone and GI have become popular, despite flying in the face of orthodox advice, because they do work for millions of people. The reason being that they are all concerned with limiting the amount of carbohydrate eaten. Most people, including athletes and active children, eat far too much carbohydrate, in the form of processed, convenience foods. Even if they have already cut out cakes, biscuits, puddings, chocolate etc, they continue to fill up on what they have been told is healthy forms of carbohydrate, such as breakfast cereals, bread, potatoes and pasta. Man is simply not designed to eat this much carbohydrate!

Research has established that stabilising blood sugar levels and reducing insulin output is essential to health. We have two metabolic pathways for generating energy. The one everyone has been concerned with is the process of burning glucose as a fuel. It is a very immediate source of energy, as it can be taken directly from our blood stream, having arrived there as the breakdown product of all digestible carbohydrate, and be stored in our cells in the form of glycogen (the human equivalent of starch). However, once the cells and glycogen stores, mostly in the liver and muscles, are full, glucose excess to requirements is converted to glycerol and fatty acids and combined to form triglycerides. This is the substance that produces body fat. Triglycerides are laid down in fat cells as an energy store. However, the fact that is commonly overlooked is that we can and should also be using fatty acids to produce energy, but we cannot burn our stores of fat when blood glucose or insulin levels are high, which they are pretty constantly for many people.

As for low-fat diets, which have been recommended by Governments and the medical professions to reduce obesity and heart disease for over 30-years, time has shown that they don't work for the majority. In the three decades since these regimens were adopted as official policy in the US and UK we have seen a huge increase in the incidence of obesity, diabetes and CVD. These concepts are explored in detail in 'Dr Atkins' New Diet Revolution' - a book that I recommend everyone interested in their health reads, together with his lesser known title 'Dr Atkins' Age-Defying Diet Revolution'.

I have a great deal of respect for Dr Robert Atkins. It was reading his books that educated me to solve my own health problems, which were weight gain (I was 3-stone overweight), fatigue, and painful knee joints. Both my parents are Type-2 diabetics, with cardiovascular problems and severe arthritis of the knees, so clearly I am at a genetic disadvantage in these areas! Now, at 46-years old, my weight, which I battled with my entire life, is perfect for my build, I have more energy than I've ever had, and no health issues. My experience with the Atkins' Diet led me to formally study nutrition, and through this I discovered Metabolic Typing, which confirmed that I need a high protein/fat, low-carb diet, as I'm a Fast Oxidiser.

MT explains why the Atkins' Diet does not work for everyone, but all those concerned with regaining and maintaining their health should be aware of the sound scientific principles upon which it is based. Basically, I still adhere to an Atkins-type diet today, but have incorporated the modifications I learnt through MT. I ensure the vast majority of my food is organic and unprocessed, and I steer clear of Soy products - it is, in fact, a cave-man style eating plan.

So why isn't MT as popular or well-known as these diets?

MT is fast gaining in popularity. It is recommended by many well-known, high profile practitioners and promoters of holistic health and integrated medicine - such as Paul Chek, Dr Joseph Mercola, Dr Dietrich Klinghardt, Dr Etienne Callebout, and the 'What Doctors Don't Tell You' team. But, it is designed principally as a clinical application, rather than a popular 'diet'.

'The Metabolic Typing Diet' book, was written by William Wolcott to fill a gap. It is suitable for those requiring a simplified self-help approach. It enables those who cannot afford the services of a HealthExcel Metabolic Typing Advisor to start down the path to correcting their health problems. If finances are tight, I suggest clients buy that book, and the Atkins' titles, and see what they can do by themselves first

Is MT difficult to follow, complicated or impractical for the average person?

The beauty of MT is that there is no strict daily diet sheet to follow. You are given clear guidelines as to what constitutes an optimum diet for you. Once you become familiar with your best foods it becomes second nature to eat as per your MT. It's not something you have to endure for a few weeks before you can return to your previous habits - it's a lifestyle change. It teaches you how to listen to your body and respond to its messages. And, this is what we must do in order to ensure we can integrate healthy eating into normal, everyday life.

Is someone's MT fixed in stone? Or can it change with circumstances- if so when?

There are two aspects to our Metabolic Type - our Genetic Type, which is predetermined by internal factors that are inherited - and our Functional Type, which is fluid and affected by external factors. These are all physical and mental stressors basically, such as environment (eg climate, pollution, toxins), illness, activity levels, and the food we eat.

Clearly we can't alter our genes, so what we are doing with MT is tweaking our biochemistry and affecting our Functional Type. Retesting is recommended after following your prescribed MT diet plan for 3-6 months precisely because your functional imbalances will have been corrected, and that may reveal a different underlying Genetic Type. If you continue to follow the original plan you may find that your body chemistry is pushed too far in the opposite direction.

Are all carbs the same?

Definitely not! This is a very important point, Craig. The type of carbohydrate we eat is really key to a diet being healthy or not. Basically, the difference lies in how much the carb has been messed around with! The fresher it is, the closer to nature, the more it looks like it has just come off a tree or out of the ground, the healthier is the carb. In fact, this principle applies to all the macronutrients (ie carbs, fats, proteins), but it is carbs that we tend to process the hell out of and eat in enormous quantity (because it is convenient, and has an addictive quality, totally unlike fats and proteins)! The raw material is cheap and once processed, the finished products keep for a long time, and therefore are very profitable for the food manufacturers and very convenient for consumers.

But these highly processed, convenience products are not real food. They bear no resemblance to anything that appears in nature - they are the Frankenstein of food stuffs! Real food goes off quickly; this fake food lasts and lasts! When processed most of the goodness (micronutrients like vitamins, minerals and antioxidants, and fibre) is destroyed or discarded and the natural sugar content is concentrated. Artificial preservatives, colours, flavours etc are added - and you end up with a relatively cheap, filling product, with an addictive quality, devoid of nutritional value. For example, whole-grain rice is a perfectly healthy, natural food. By the time it's been turned into something like rice krispies or rice cakes, it has had all the goodness removed and the sugar content concentrated. It then comprises a whopping 84% carbohydrate - and this is ALL converted to glucose, resulting in a huge blood sugar hit very soon after eating (just look at the total carbohydrate box on the nutrition panel of any packaged foods). Other examples are fresh oranges vs. orange juice, corn-on-the-cob vs. corn flakes, strawberries / blueberries / apples vs. Kellogg's Fruit Winders (a popular product in children's lunchboxes), lightly boiled potatoes vs. crisps. It actually drains our body's reserves of nutrients in order to process this stuff, which is why the manufacturers of breakfast cereals have to add vitamins and minerals to it.

To illustrate this, a famous experiment fed one group of rats on commercial breakfast cereal, and another group on the empty cereal boxes. The group fed the cardboard boxes outlived the group fed the breakfast cereal! I believe the details of this are quoted in a Paul Chek article, available on

To sum up, we should get the majority of our carbohydrate from fresh vegetables and fruits, in their natural, unadulterated state, with some coming from whole grains if your particular MT can take it. This is what we have evolved to eat - not the fake stuff from packets! No-one needs bread or pasta - despite public and medical opinion, they are NOT health foods!

How long generally does it take for a person to notice significant differences in terms of energy levels, and clarity once they are eating correctly for their metabolic typing?

It can take as little as three days to notice significant improvement but certainly by two weeks many people feel like a new person! The longer you continue eating to your MT (and don't forget, what is recommended is a lifestyle change, not a two week 'diet' fad) the better you will feel, the stronger your body will be and the healthier you will become. In short, you will regain control of your emotions, hormones, weight and health.

Can people react differently then to vitamin and mineral supplements if we react different to the macronutrients? any rules?

Yes, very much so. As with foods, supplements will affect our pH balance and other aspects of body chemistry, depending on one's MT. With the Intermediate Level test results one is provided with a list of specialist MT supplements that will push body chemistry in the right direction. It gets complicated but, as an example, Fast Oxidisers have a need for more Calcium whilst Slow Oxidisers require more Magnesium. There is a range of specialist supplements developed to support the three basic MTs. However, usually I recommended clients concentrate on getting the diet right first, then we can consider supplements later, adding them if needed to address specific health issues. But, I must underline the fact that getting the food right that we put into our bodies three times a day - that's around a thousand times a year- is the most important factor!

As a Metabolic Typing Advisor and health professional what do you believe is behind our current state of poor health and record obesity levels?

21st Century lifestyles are the problem. I could go on about this for hours! But it's probably best to recommend everyone read 'Lights Out' by TS Wiley, which looks at it in depth. It explains why our hormones are out of whack, why our immune systems are unable to cope, why we have obesity, diabetes, CVD, cancer etc, etc.

From the dietary viewpoint, the problem is that as a society we have become totally dependent on convenience foods - which means carbohydrates. We all lead busy lives, filled up with work and family commitments, and say we have no time to buy fresh food and prepare meals from scratch. But this mentality is killing us! Man has not evolved to live like this - in cave man times carbs were scarce, particularly so in northern climes. They were more abundant in warmer climates, but not in the huge quantities we have available now. Since the advent of agriculture, 10,000 years ago, our eating habits began to change, and in the past 100-years, have changed out of all recognition. Today's common Western diet bears no relation to that which our grandparents ate as children.

We have lost sight of what real food is. We need re-educating. Jamie Oliver's campaign is right on the button. Our kids don't know that chips come from potatoes, or what broccoli looks like!

Thank you Sally for your thoughts on metabolic typing and diets. If you would like to find out more about metabolic typing and diet therapy you can contact Sally at: or check her website at

Metabolic Typing - Interview

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Sunday, December 25, 2011

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Ten Fun and Creepy Halloween Party Snacks

!±8± Ten Fun and Creepy Halloween Party Snacks

It doesn't matter if you have a big family or if you're on your own... Halloween is one of the most fun holidays ever invented. But if you are a busy mom (and your house is the one house on the block where everyone goes for Halloween parties) you may be looking for some quick and easy Halloween party snacks to have ready for kids, visitors, guests, and freeloading adult friends during the Halloween season.

Looking for some new ideas for festive snacks that don't take a hundred years (or work your fingers to the bone) to put together? The ten Halloween party snack ideas below are lots of fun, simple to make... and some of them are even healthy!

1. Rotting Eyes and Severed Fingers

This is a very healthy but rather creepy Halloween party snack that makes good use of black olives and baby carrots. Arrange the black olives and baby carrots on a party tray with a bowl of your favorite dip (I like a cream cheese veggie dip). Inform your party guests that the tray is filled with rotting black eyes and severed fingers. And then watch this snack disappear. A good way to get your kids excited about veggies!

2. Jack o' Lantern Oranges

This healthy treat is so easy to make, and looks so pretty! Carve jack-o'-lantern faces into oranges and place on a platter. The kids will love it. And they can help, too, without ever having to pick up a knife. Have them simply draw the faces on with a black marker, and carve them yourself. Or don't worry about carving them-- they look just as good with faces drawn on.

As a variation of this fun Halloween party snack, I like to hollow out an orange with a Jack o' Lantern face and fill it with fruit salad. Healthy, easy and quick!

3. Easy Bugs in the Bone Yard

This is such a fun Halloween snack for the kiddos. All you have to do? Sprinkle raisins into a bowl full of white-chocolate covered pretzels. (You could also use chocolate covered raisins.) Kids will eat them up once they learn the name of this snack. Or they'd eat it up anyway, since this mix tastes divine.

4. Slimy Halloween Jigglers

You know those Jello jiggler molds? They work great for Halloween! Either use whatever you have lying around the house, or go out and pick up a brain or a heart-shaped Jello mold. Make up a batch of orange, black, purple, or flesh-colored Jello and pour into your mold(s). Or make a flat pan of Jello and cut out shapes with Halloween cookie cutters instead.

5. Ghost Cereal Bars

Prepare a batch of the Rice Krispies marshmallow treats recipe on the back of the cereal box. When the mixture has set up, cut out shapes with ghost shaped cookie cutter. Pour warm white frosting or melted white chocolate over the shapes to cover. Add M&M eyes and mouth. A delicious and easy Halloween party snack.

6. Green Gelatin Intestines

This is one of the grosser looking Halloween party snacks. Make lime gelatin and add pineapple bits, chopped marshmallows, sliced bananas and mandarin oranges. Pour gelatin mixture into an angel food cake pan and let set up. Invert pan to remove gelatin mold. Slice the mold horizontally into about 5 layers. Slice the layers in half and arrange on a platter in semi-circles to look like intestines. Gross!

7. Spooky Healthy Eyeballs

This Halloween party snack is both easy and healthy. Wash a bunch of green grapes. Insert a raisin into the stem end of the grapes and freeze them all until ready to serve.

8. Monster Crackers

Color some white vegetable spread or cream cheese with green food coloring and spread on your favorite crackers. Arrange small bits of green and red bell peppers to make a green-eyed, red-mouthed cracker monster. Use small amounts of broccoli sprouts to make the monster hair. A sneaky way to get kids eating their veggies.

9. Wormy Halloween Punch Recipe

No respectable Halloween party snack list would do with out having this squeamish punch. Just make green Kool-Aid and put in a clear glass punch bowl. Set the punch bowl on top of a glow necklace so the light shines through the punch bowl. Add some gummy worms and watch the kids squirm when they see it.

10. Vampire Blood

You use V8 juice for this one so it is healthier than the wormy punch above. Pour the V8 juice in a clear picture that you have labeled as "Vampire Blood." For an adult party, add the ingredients for a bloody Mary, if you like. For a kids' party, well... good luck getting them to try it. It is V8, after all!

Ten Fun and Creepy Halloween Party Snacks

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Saturday, December 10, 2011

How to Create Healthy Party Snacks For Kids That They Will Eat

!±8± How to Create Healthy Party Snacks For Kids That They Will Eat

Finding the right balance of healthy food that kids will eat at parties can be quite a challenge, particularly with the popularity and brand recognition of fast foods. However, with a bit of creativity and effort you can make healthy food look appetizing and fun to eat and here are a few tips.

Instead of serving bread with hundreds and thousands/sprinkles on it, make a variety of sandwiches with different fillings, for example cheese, ham, tuna, egg, cheese and tomato or tuna and sweet corn. Small, quality sausages, such as chipolatas are also an excellent addition to any party and popular with children. The children are more likely to eat these if you present them in a fun way.

Instead of lots of chocolate, place dried fruit on toothpicks, ensuring that you use a variety off different colors to make it look fun. You can also have muesli bars and you can buy carob coated rice cakes. You could also make carob coated chocolate rice krispies treats. You can use cornflakes as a wheat free alternative but please ensure that you check the package in case of children with allergies.

If you want to offer vegetarian, dairy free or wheat/gluten free party food, then here are a few different ideas for you to try:-

o If you are able to locate them, Scottish oatcakes (some oatcakes may contain wheat or gluten - check the packages for further details) are an excellent choice served with tuna and sweet corn.

o For a sweet idea, rice cakes with a carob chocolate topping or for a savory idea, you could add some cheese, pineapple, aubergine (eggplant) or a variety of pureed vegetables. Make sure that these are colorful to attract the children's eye.

o You can add cheese to muffins (you can make these gluten free) and place them under the grill. Try placing some fruit and shredded zucchini (courgette) inside them also. You can also make them into little pizzas and get the party boy/girl to help you make them.

o Waffles are also another good idea (these may not be gluten free though) and you can add all sorts of things, for example pureed fruits as a sweet alternative or freshly cooked beans as a savory topping.

o Tofu (bean curd) can also be used, although to make this attractive to children, you will need to ensure that you serve it in an interesting way. One way to do this is to slice the tofu finely and then dip it into some beaten up egg. Then add some sesame seeds and shallow fry it, serving it hot. The adults may prefer this but nothing ventured nothing gained!

o Home made pizzas cut into small rectangles, so that the children can eat them easily. You can add all sorts of different flavors and pineapple and cheese, tomato and cheese, or grated vegetables and cheese are excellent vegetarian choices. If you have someone at the party who cannot eat wheat or is a strict vegan, you can then add soya cheese and use wheat free dough. You can ask the party girl/boy to help you make them into funny faces. Getting the children involved with what you are doing is always a great idea, since they will then enjoy their party more as they have participated in the food preparation.

o You can also offer a variety of foods on a stick, for example cheese or fruit cubes.

o Falafels (a Lebanese delicacy made with chick peas).

o Rice crackers or pitta bread served with hummous and avocado dip, with carrot, zucchini and celery.

How to Create Healthy Party Snacks For Kids That They Will Eat

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Friday, December 2, 2011


Hi, I'm Stephanie Gallagher, the Iron Chef Mom, and today, we're making Halloween rice crispy treats. For this recipe, you will need: 3 Tbsp. butter 10 oz. marshmallows (they can be mini or regular marshmallows) 6 cups crispy rice cereal 1 cup chocolate chips sprinkles or colored sugar in Halloween colors Spray a 9 x 13 baking dish with cooking spray. Place the butter and marshmallows in a saucepan over medium heat. Stir until the marshmallows are melted. Now pour the marshmallow mixture over the rice crispy cereal. And stir to coat the cereal well. Now transfer that mixture to the prepared dish, and press down with a spatula to make the top of the rice crispy treats flat. It helps if you spray the spatula with cooking spray. Line a cutting board or baking sheet with waxed paper. Now cut the rice crispy treats into Halloween shapes. I'm using a pumpkin cookie cutter that I've sprayed with cooking spray to make it easier. And place the Halloween rice crispy treats on the waxed paper. Transfer them to the freezer to harden for 15 minutes. Now melt the chocolate chips. I'm using a chocolate melter, but you can also melt them in a double boiler or in a microwave-safe container on 50% power for 1-4 minutes. And spread the colored sprinkles out onto a plate in an even layer. Dip the rice crispy treats in the melted chocolate, then press into the colored sprinkles, and place on the waxed paper. And here are your Halloween rice crispy treats. Thanks for watching. For more great ...

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Tuesday, November 29, 2011

mY nEw PrOdUcTiOn SiGn!!!! :D

This is better... I tweeked it a lot more... HOPE YOU ENJOY! and yah... at the end where it says I AM COUNTIN... there is supposed to be an exclamation point but it wouldnt show up... dumb computer! PS: HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO MY OTHER BESTIE... KELLY!!!!! xoxo Sarah xoxo *I DO NOT OWN ANY MUSIC!* PPS: this is my grilled up cheese sign... xD good times on the bus... well i have homework to do... See Ya! - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - OMG guess what i did today! I forgot my lunch at home so for lunch i had a mini blueberry muffin, a churro, and a half of a chocolate rice crispy treat with a bottle of water... : / yup it was super delicious... xD

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Friday, November 25, 2011

How to Make Rice Krispies Squares 2 Ways

Visit my blog at for more info on cooking and crafts! Sure, it's easy to make Rice Krispies Squares but you can make them even better by using good quality ingredients (think real butter and best-quality vanilla) and you can even make them a little bit healthier with the addition of a couple ingredients!

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Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Effortless Pool Party For Kids and Grown-ups Too!

!±8± Effortless Pool Party For Kids and Grown-ups Too!

There is something about planning a party at the pool that alternately evokes images of lazy days and frenzied terror. Going as a guest to a pool party sounds positively lovely. All you have to do is soak up the sun and strategically position the towel so you look your best without appearing to actually orchestrate it.

However, if you are the host or hostess it is another matter entirely. You are now the party planner and the success or failure of the party will fall on you. Is planning a simple pool party difficult? What if you get there and you have forgotten the crucial ingredients? What should you serve? Will the food hold up on a hot day? What if... what if... what if...You might as well start to worry about lightening striking on a clear and beautiful day in southern California. It's not going to happen and neither is the other stuff. And if it does you'll just deal with it.

But we have to admit, a good party plan makes everybody feel better and we have a fool proof plan for you.

1. Here is your menu:

o Peanut butter and jelly sandwiches (is there a kid around who doesn't love these?)
o Deli roll ups (recipe to follow) for the adults or adventurous kids
o Carrot sticks, celery
o Apples, grapes, cut up cantaloupe or whatever your favorite fruit is
o Chips, Trader Joe's Low Fat Pretzel Sticks and store bought dips
o Toll house chocolate chip cookies or Rice Krispy treats
o Drinks can be as simple as bottles of water
o It's easier to store everything in a nice cooler.
o Paper plates & napkins
o Trash bag

2. Putting you party in the cooler keeps everything cold and you don't have to worry about the food not holding up well. It has the added benefit of keeping all your food together in one place. If you don't have a cooler just put a few bags of ice in with the dips.

3. Bring pool toys which can be purchased at your local grocery store, drug store or any discount store like Tuesday Morning, Big Lots or the local 99¢ store . There are great bargains at those store where you don't have to spend a lot of money, but at the same time you can get a variety of pool toys. Blow up rafts, inner tubes, diving toys and squirt guns are great for the pool party. Don't forget towels, sunscreen and extra shirts

4. That's it. Get in the water, cool off and HAVE FUN!

Recipe for Deli Roll Ups: Makes 6 Rolled lavosh)

Package of lavosh (12X18 rectangle) Found at Trader Joes, Wholesome Choice, Whole Foods and other markets

Basil Herbed Cream Cheese (recipe below )
8oz package cream cheese, softened 6 T. mayonnaise 2 tsp. Italian seasoning 1-2 T. finely chopped fresh basil 1 tsp. granulated garlic Mix above ingredients until smooth Turkey breast and ham, sliced (3 slices to cover each lavosh 2- ham 1 turkey or 2 turkey and 1 ham) Tomato, sliced- cover the lavosh (about ½- ¾ tomato per lavosh) Red onion, finely chopped Green leaf lettuce, washed and thoroughly dried
Here's how to Assemble the Roll-ups
Lay Lavosh on plastic wrap Divide basil cream cheese into 6 parts and spread on lavosh. Add thin slices of turkey breast and ham 2 turkey, 1 ham or 1 turkey, 2 ham Add tomato slices Sprinkle with chopped onion Add the lettuce on top ( tear leaf lettuce and put on top of all ingredients Roll up tightly and wrap in plastic wrap. Chill until firm or overnight. Slice at an angle (which makes them much prettier, approximately 12-slices per roll), Arrange on a large paper plate and serve. Easy and yummy.

Effortless Pool Party For Kids and Grown-ups Too!

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Monday, November 7, 2011

Easy Cereal Snack Bars for Kids

!±8± Easy Cereal Snack Bars for Kids

It's hard to find easy after school snacks for kids. These
cereal bar recipes are easy to make and made from your children's
favorite breakfast cereals.

Rice Krispies Treats

2/3 c. butter

1 pkg. (10 oz., about 40) large marshmallows or 4 c. miniature

6 c. Kellogg's Rice Krispies cereal

Melt butter in large saucepan over low heat. Add marshmallows and
stir until completely melted. Remove from heat. Stir in cereal
until well coated. Press mixture into buttered 13x9x2-inch baking
dish. Cut into squares.

Variations: Instead of Rice Krispies, use Cocoa Krispies, Lucky
Charms, or Fruity Pebbles.

Peanut Treats: Add 1 cup salted peanuts with cereal.

Peanut Butter Treats: Stir 1/4 cup peanut butter into marshmallow
mixture just before adding cereal.

Gummy Worm Marshmallow Bars: Add 1 c. gummy worms, cut in half,
when stirring in cereal.

Captain Crunch Peanut Butter Cookies

2 c. Captain Crunch peanut butter cereal

2 c. Rice Krispies

1-1/2 pounds white almond bark

2 c. salted peanuts

2 c. colored marshmallows

Melt marshmallows and almond bark in saucepan over low heat and
pour over cereals and peanuts. Drop by spoonfuls on waxed paper
or put in 9x13-inch (buttered) pan and cut into squares.

Special K Bars

1/2 c. light Karo syrup

1/2 c. sugar

3/4 c. peanut butter

3 c. Special K cereal

Mix Karo syrup, sugar, and peanut butter in a large saucepan.
Heat until boiling. Mix in Special K. Press mixture into buttered
9x9-in. baking dish. Cool and cut into squares.


1 c. butterscotch chips

1 c. chocolate chips

Melt chips together and spread over bars. If too thick to spread,
add a little milk until desired consistency.

Cheerio Bars

1/2 c. peanut butter

Easy Cereal Snack Bars for Kids

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